Thinking is a choice?

Thoughts. We all have them. We think every day; we think about all kinds of things. Thoughts that are good; sometimes bad, sometimes positive and sometimes negative.

We all do it but do we ever stop to think about what we are thinking about? Can we pause for a minute and analyze our thoughts? Our thoughts trigger our emotions, our actions, reactions, beliefs, and soon becomes a part of us. In Proverbs 23:7, it says “…as a man thinketh so is he” (KJV). And in Romans, Paul warns us about how we should not conform to the worldly ways but instead renew our minds. Why are our thoughts important?

Thoughts are a part of us; it can be good and bad depending on what we are thinking about. If we are not careful, we can get lost in the thoughts we have whether good or bad. Sometimes we act upon those thoughts or behave a certain way; we react a certain way and sometimes we start believing the very thoughts we’ve created.

The outcome of dwelling on thoughts of negative nature can be poisonous. My thoughts have been my greatest enemy! I never realized how my thoughts have been affecting me until someone pointed it out. I’ve been living with my negative lies for years and it has robbed me of so many blessings.

Lies such as I won’t fit in that group has robbed me from going to parties where I might have met new friends. Lies can be crippling if we give it enough time to become comfortable in ourselves. God has not called me to live like this. How do we battle these thoughts? We battle them with God’s word. Who does God say we are? Our worth comes from God and God alone. Here are some scriptures telling us about what God says: John 1:12; 15:1, 5, 15; Romans 3:24; 6:6; 8:1, 2, 17; 15:7.

There are more scriptures in the Bible than this. Please feel free to share others that talk bout who we are in Christ.

No one loves us and knows our worth like God! It is God who defines us.