
How selfish I have become? I am constantly talking about myself. How I don’t like my hair, how I feel lonely, how I’m unable to connect at church, how my career isn’t where I hoped it would be…& so on.

Recently, a friend of mine shared with me about her experience in a lawless country where children face sexual assault on a daily basis. The details of the story were horrific & it made me feel so ashamed. Ashamed not because what happened to the child but ashamed of my selfishness.

How many countless times I’ve cried to God about my unhappiness. All those time spent just on myself. How can I call myself a believer of Jesus Christ?

If I cannot help physically or financially, then shouldn’t I at least pray? I have not even done that.

Isaiah 58:10 says, “Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as day.”

God, forgive me for being so selfish. There are many people in this World whose situation are far worse than mine. I know I can pray to you and express my desires and needs because your Word tells me, to pray without seizing. But you also want me to pray for others & help those in need. Lord, please help me to be thankful for my life. Show me the way & guide me in the right path. Remind me to pray for those who are in need & cannot pray for themselves. We live in a broken world & we all need you. In Jesus name, Amen.