Learning the Hard Way

Have you learned a lesson the hard way? Sure you have…that is part of life…right?

I am currently learning one…one that I probably don’t want to learn or perhaps not ready for it. But when God is the teacher, no matter how much you try to avoid it…you eventually do learn it.

So what am I learning? Well…lets just say, it is about Faith. God is saying to me: why do you have such little faith? such little faith in me, God? It’s our human nature to want to control things in our life. Simply just surrendering to God isn’t something natural to us. Look at Adam & Eve, they both had a good thing going but then Eve decided to take things into her own hands and here we are…sinners!

It is time. Time for me to surrender. It will not happen overnight. It will take time. As I sat down to read God’s word, desperately hoping to hear from God, this is what he said:

“Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day-to-day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” Matthew 6:32-33

The key to this verse is the disclaimer that begins after “if”

If I:

  1. Live for him
  2. Put his Kingdom first

So…I am just starting this journey with God…one day at a time.
